And in my latest installment of “You know you have ADD when…,” I present you with this picture of New York City’s Times Square, a place that makes some people (like my wife, for example) cringe and feel overwhelmed, and a place that makes me feel like the universe has pulled me against its bosom and is giving me a big, fat hug.
As you may or may not recall, despite growing up in the Northeast, I didn’t get to New York City until I was in my 20s. I still remember the first time I set foot in Times Square; it felt like I had finally found my way home to the alien planet I always sensed I must have come from.
I don’t exactly know why, but, for some reason, when I’m in New York, I feel like I’m in the game; when I’m not, I feel like I’m in the on-deck circle … which probably isn’t a good thing, since I’m hardly ever in New York. I guess it’s high time I bring the game to me.
PS: Yes, the photo above would have been far more impressive if it had been taken at night, when all of Times Square is aglow with enough neon and LEDs to spark 10,000 epileptic seizures, but New York City nightlife isn’t part of the program during these here days of rearing young children, so instead, you get Times Square at 9 a.m. on a Saturday. Try not to hurt yourself yawning.
Don’t apologize! Loved the picture and the description.
.-= Lee´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
Times Square at 9am on a Saturday looks pretty damn good if you ask me! Hopefully I’ll get there to see it in person one day!
AWESOME picture. I love it. At night is done all the time. This is much better.
.-= sara´s last blog ..Critical Thinking vs Explaining the Truth =-.
I love Times Square, there is a certain energy or vibe that you just don’t get anywhere else. Or if there is another place like it I have been to it. Thanks for the pic! Feast
I too love the photo, though I share your wife’s opinion of Times Square (that’s how I feel about NYC in general, but then, I grew up on a sleepy island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean). And by 9a I’ve usually been up for 4+ hours, so this daytime thing works for me too. Nightlife is overrated! As my father-in-law used to say when anyone slept past 6am, “You’re burning daylight!”
.-= pvz´s last blog ..aloha friday- photo memories- spreckelsville =-.
Great photo, for the vividness of the colors alone! I’m with you about that Times Square feeling. I’ve only been there a couple times, but that’s enough for me to embrace the cliche: it really does feel like the center of the world.
.-= Didactic Pirate´s last blog ..America Goes Balls Out =-.
I know where you were standing–on those new bleachers (that light up at night!) just behind the TKTS booth. Sigh. I love New York. My husband and I both agree with you–it always feels like something is HAPPENING there.
haha, you and your bro are total opposites when it comes to the type of place where you feel “at home”…
well, I suppose there are some similarities. if all those buildings were mountains or trees and the people were wild animals, then your tastes would be exactly the same…. 😉
I seriously wish I could walk right into that picture.
Although really, I’m only an hour and a half away in CT so it’s not THAT much of a trudge, but…
I was just there after a 15 year absence and felt alive again, so I hear ya. Although, I will say how tame it seems to be now that it is pretty much a pedestrian walkway.
Nice shot. Daytime in Times Sq is still cool.
Looking at this photo, you can’t even see the homicidal tourists elbowing each other out of the way to get to McDonald’s and TGIFridays and Olive Garden. Because, you know, it is important to travel all the way to NYC to go to the SAME EXACT RESTAURANTS YOU HAVE AT HOME.
So, good for you for capturing the more peaceful side of the Square.
.-= Kate@And Then I Was a Mom´s last blog ..It’s refreshing that highly paid comedians enjoy a hearty game of Whack-a-Mole =-.
Times Square at night is wicked awesome. I’ve been to NYC 3 times, and am happily going back in a few weeks for BlogHer – cannot wait to walk these streets again!
I was just in NYC myself over the weekend, and like you, I absolutely love it there. The first time I went to the Big Apple with my family, I was 10 years old, and my sister was 7. We drove into the Village, and my sister says, “Why is that man doing karate with a telephone pole?” We look over, and sure enough, that’s what he was doing. We drive another block or so, and see a guy walking with a shoe on top of his head. My immediate thought? I LOVE it here!!!
.-= Val´s last blog ..Adventures in NYC =-.
Gorgeous picture! Even if it was taken in the morning! I have only been to NYC a couple times myself, but there is a pulse there that syncs up with me too! Thanks for sharing!
.-= Jill´s last blog ..Happy Fourth of July =-.