I’d love to tell you a good story about this photo. About how I crawled on my belly, through the weeds and the mud, to get so close. About how, just after I snapped his picture, the croc opened wide his ferocious jaws and used his powerful tail to launch himself out of the water, all teeth and fury, coming right at me. About how I rolled to my left as his jaws slammed shut on the air where my head had just been. About how I sprang from my prone position, threw myself on top of his back and wrestled him into submission, then flipped him over and rubbed his belly till he went to sleep.
Truth is, that there’s a baby croc that I shot from behind the safety of thick, tempered glass at the aquarium.
Woulda been a good story, tho, right?
You could get a job as a gator wrangler like Joe Dirt.
LOL You totally got me there! Great photo and story, of course.
The other day at my daughters soccer game on our way back to the car she noticed an alligator in the back window of someone else’s car. I took a picture of it… It looked so real. It was a fake/stuffed alligator. Pretty cool. I am sure she would have much rather seen a real one!
Honestly? I’m glad you’re not a super hero. Hard to relate to those.
I love your fantasy story.
Even without a daredevil story, I hope you’re still proud of this photo. The quality is amazing which either means you have a good steady hand, or just good taste in picking out a tripod. And through glass? I always get some sort of reflection when I shoot through glass, this photo looks like you really were right there. 🙂