And as I stood there barefoot with a Corona in one hand and my iPhone in the other (because you can take pictures like this with a phone now; welcome to The Future), I thought to myself, “This is nice, but I can’t wait to return to the joys of winter in Pennsylvania.”
I’ll be under my desk sobbing if anyone needs me.
Bonus torture:
I don’t live in a cold place and still want to sob under my desk.
Sobbing right along with you….
I used to live in SW FL, and I worked on Sanibel for several years. Then, I got accepted to graduate school. In Syracuse. In January. Yeah. I get your pain.
I lived in the Florida Keys for 12 years. You’re killing me. But in a good way.
Ok, I’m in Western WA where it rains 9 months out of the year. Not cool man, not cool at all!
I live in Hawai’i. Do you hate me yet? But in all fairness, I came from the cold clutches of Minnesota before moving here. I paid my dues.
I longed to return to my day job after a weekend of reffing play off hockey. It meant two extra hours of sleep and not being berated by coaches and spectators. Ah, and working from the comfort of my home office. I so want a beach vacation. Can’t wait for this season to end.