Earlier today, Donald Trump tweeted this:

The average #MAGA voter, I’m sure, welcomed this latest missive from Dear Leader with a hearty “Hell yeah!” … but, according to the article included in the “so-called” president’s tweet, the people who are feeling particularly optimistic about Trump’s America are not your average #MAGA voters:

Well, hey there, coal-country worker with black lung who didn’t realize that the Obamacare you voted to get rid of is actually the Affordable Care Act you rely upon! Listen, I know things look kinda bleak right now, but at least you can take solace in the fact that you’ve cheered up the nation’s struggling CEOs!
“Nuh-uh!” shouts the staunchest, Pepe-the-Frog-loving knuckleheads among ye. “If CEOs do well, we all do well, you libtard snowflake!”
Yes, the Republican party has done a phenomenal job of pissing on you while simultaneously convincing you that the shower you feel is actually money trickling down from above. Except — bad news, Pepe! — as pointed out in the following chart taken from this article, CEO pay has grown by 997% (no, that’s not a typo; it says NINE-HUNDRED-NINETY-SEVEN PERCENT) since 1978 …

…but YOUR pay has grown by only 10.9% (also not a typo; TEN-POINT-NINE PERCENT).
And now those CEOs — whose pay grew at a rate 90-times greater than yours over the past four decades — are the most optimistic they’ve been since 2009 … which is when, you know, that horrible black guy took office and started helping average Americans.
Trump, his administration and the modern-day Republican party are motivated by one thing and one thing only: Greed. That is why they want to roll back regulations that protect people at the expense of corporations; that is why they want to strip health insurance from millions of Americans and privatize programs like Medicare and Medicaid; and that is why things are now looking up for CEOs.
Trump thinks that heralding the renewed optimism of the nation’s CEOs is cause for celebration … but if you yourself aren’t among the single-digit percentage of Americans who already possess the majority of this country’s wealth, this news just means more of the same — or, rather, less of everything — for you.
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