Behold: The agave plant. Agave attenuata, to be exact … for there are many different kinds of agave plants. The one I generally am the most interested in is the agave tequilana plant. More precisely, I am most interested in the juice of the agave tequilana plant. Still more precisely, I am most interested in putting the juice of the agave tequilana plant in my belly … preferably combined with a good margarita mix and accompanied by some chips and salsa.
But I digress … for, as previously noted, the photo above is not of the agave tequilana plant.
This is another botanical beauty I shot during our recent visit to Longwood Gardens … and as I gazed down through the viewfinder on my camera whilst poised directly above this lovely specimen of agave attenuata, I thought to myself, “Self, this looks awfully familiar.”
Name that album cover, people. (Your prize is the satisfaction of knowing that you have a good memory and great taste in music.)
Depeche Mode – Exciter. Whoo-hoo!
It kind of reminds me of They Might Be Giants’ “Flood.”
I was going to make a snarky comment about how I’d first have to admit that I’m old enough to know what an album is, but then I saw Lisa’s comment that it was Depeche Mode. I love them, still do! Shame on me for not knowing this!
Whoo, Depeche Mode!
Do I win? I do feel satisfied…so I must have won then 🙂
Exciter by Depeche Mode. Yeah, I cheated.
Oh for the love of Mike! That’s not even Google-able (ask me how I know)!
But it’s funny how I now have an intense craving for a margarita and some chips….
Well, there goes my self-image! Poor memory AND a crappy taste in music. Sob.
Depeche Mode’s Exciter. Do I win??
Depeche Mode’s Exciter. Do I win??
(Will this accept? It doesn’t want me to post a correct answer apparently.)
I blame it on the wine.
I think it’s time for bed now… *sigh*
I didn’t know it…so I’m not so sure about the “great taste in music” claim! : ) And my memory stinks!!