I feel young. Wild. Free.
Look at me, suckahs! I’m flipping off the establishment!
Screw you, responsibility and adulthood! I’m a modern day Peter Pan! (If Peter Pan spent 40 hours per week in a cubicle farm, that is.)
Khakis and dress shoes be damned. Today, I’m dressing down. Today, it’s jeans and sneakers. Because today? Today, my friends … is
Casual Friday!
Yeah, baby! Today, I’m sticking it to The Man!
(With his permission, of course.)
(Thank you, sir. May I have another?)
I miss wearing jeans to the office. Wait, I telecommute, I’m in jammies. I can wear jeans if I want. WOOHOO!!! Sucks working in a cube. I feel your pain. I’m not really mocking you. 😉
What happened to your feet? Are you in a fraternity? No? Oh, are you Steve Jobs? Are you the billionaire (dead) owner of Apple Computers? No?
Then you got no right wearing Brooks sneakers. EVER.
Because …?
Makes a lot more sense now. Thanks. 🙂
Guess I need to see that movie.
Where I work every day is casual day. Every now and then we have visitors and we have to dress up and we all get confused.
What kind of commi company are you working for? Next thing you’re going to tell us is that you worked a full day without your shirt tucked into your pants! This is all Obama’s fault.
LOL! Wow, your casual Friday involves jeans and sneakers?! Lucky you. Ours involves khakis, shirts WITH collars and dress shoes. Doesn’t your “Man” look much nicer than ours now?
We also have casual Friday in the office I work in. We also have “the boss is not in today/this week so let’s dress in our jeans” day. 🙂
Mister Workaholic’s version of being rebellious on Friday is not wearing a tie. Not because his boss won’t allow jeans, but because he’s a prude. Stick it to the man… until Monday comes again.
I really hope you’re wearing one of these:
on top.
Love that in my work, we can wear jeans and tennis shoes everyday, and sometimes you even get tired of that so I break out the khakis and shoes. 🙂