File under “Irony” …
Right after lunch, I got this email from my doc:
Your labs from yesterday are excellent. As expected, your HDL (good) cholesterol is even higher [than last year], and the remainder of your numbers are healthy.
Please have someone carve that on my tombstone this weekend. Thanks.
I’m gonna miss you guys.
Holy cardiac infarction Batman. That looks freaking good.
Holy cow, that looks good. And everyone knows that cooking tomatoes (ie, making tomato sauce out of them) makes the antioxidant lycopene easier for your body to absorb. booya!
Oh my GOD – that looks SO good! And I’ll keep you in my prayers.
What value would a long life with no pleasures have? At least you will go sated and happy.
That is just so unfair. God bless your good genes. (Followed your name from Pioneer Woman’s site. Enjoy your blog.)