Today, Zan completed a rather long and arduous task that we had asked him to complete, and, as it turns out, we told him he could have as his reward a living, breathing, aquatic creature. And you may wonder why I would use the term “as it turns out” when referring to the fact that “we” told him he could have a fish, because it seems to imply that news of the fish reward was a surprise to me … almost as if half of “we” (a.k.a. my wife) had failed to tell the other half of “we” (a.k.a. me) about the whole “we promised him a fish” thing. Ahem.
Fortunately, the fish in question (whom Zan has named Coral, by the way) is small and can live in a fishbowl on Zan’s dresser, so there’s no major lifestyle adjustments to be made … but the next time we make plans to add someone to the family, I’d like to know about it in advance. Just sayin’.
My problem is that when I say to my wife, “You never told me that,” it usually turns out that she did. She always seems to have a witness or a recording of the conversation.
And on the “At least it’s not a dog comment,” it sucks having a dog in Boston when it’s single digits. I got my dog this past spring, and I somehow didn’t realize that I would have to walk him in the winter time.
.-= Joe´s last blog ..My Trip to a Stop & Shop Gas Station =-.
🙂 Beta’s are fun… and if you want them to live longer, go to your local pet store and ask for black worms. They are very tiny, and can be kept in a small tupperware in your fridge (with just some water exchanges every week or so). I had a friend who wouldn’t touch them and fed them to her fish with chopsticks, but you can scoop a few out and get one to stick to the tip of your finger like a contact lens. Then, dip the tip of your finger into the water until the fish comes over to investigate and sees the wiggling end of the worm. He’ll slurp it up like spaghetti! If I remember correctly, mine ate about 12 a day. Since they’re carnivores, they live longer when fed real, live food (these worms) than when fed the freeze dried stuff (4-5 years compared to 2-3). It’s also more fun, and might keep Zan entertained (e.g., INVESTED) in his fish longer. Have fun with your (son’s) new pet!
.-= Jen A.´s last blog ..Coming up for air =-.
Great picture! (and ick on the worms, Jen)
.-= Lee´s last blog ..End of the Line =-.
Second’s on the great picture. I’m tempted to get a beta just so I can feed the worms to it.
–>Um, Jen had quite the explanation of the worms for the beta fish. Meanwhile, I have always struggled to remember to feed them daily.
.-= WebSavyMom´s last blog ..Flashback Friday (Part 42) – Those Who Believe, Receive =-.
Betas are great for kids! If Zan forgets to feed him for a day or 2, he’ll be fine! I had one for 6 years. Then again, I also had one that died in a month. Coral looks like a hardy fish, though 🙂
.-= Casey´s last blog ..Chocolate Orange Palmiers =-.
It sucks having a dog in any town in single digits. We’re only 25 here with 13 degree wind chill but it SUCKS (and that’s with the sun out!). Brrrr…I’m glad I have a fenced-in yard, I’m totally procrastinating on the dog-walk thing today.
.-= The Domestic Goddess´s last blog ..Days Like These =-.
WW probably DID tell you, you probably just didn’t notice because you were jabbering about the new Apple mouse.
.-= Kara´s last blog ..HOLGA HOLGA I LOVE YOUUUUU =-.
Fish update: “Coral” is now “Japan”.
Nice. Thanks for the news.
We had a beta for 1 week, my 5 year old couldn’t understand why it just sat there so we returned it and got 2 goldfish
I keep trying to persuade my mum to promise me a cat for good deeds.
Last time, I got a DSLR. I’ll compromise.
.-= Raz´s last blog ..Winter Wonderland =-.