Good news for those of you who are sick of my little obsession: I’m pretty sure Monday was the last time I’ll be seeing Van Halen perform for quite a while.
I didn’t know until 24 hours beforehand that I would be attending this concert … but when the opportunity arose to watch it while located just four rows away from Eddie, I couldn’t resist. And I’m glad I couldn’t resist … because the show was even better than the Philly performance I saw earlier this month. Or maybe it was just that I was sober enough this time to more fully appreciate it. One of those. Probably a little of both, actually.
In addition to how awesome it was to be so close to the stage, and how amazingly well the band performed, another reason I’m glad I went is this: Seeing Van Halen play live, and listening to their music in general, inspires me to not give up on my dreams … which, after the past couple of years, and at the age of 42, is getting more and more difficult to do.
So thank you, Van Halen, for inspiring me. Or fuck you, Van Halen, for fanning the flames of my discontent.
Probably a little of both, actually. (But mostly the first one.)
Green with jealousy
How’d you get these last minute tickets? Do they call you? Are you still on good enough terms with them that you can do such? When will you send them to Atlanta to see me?
42 is the Ultimate Answer – you are at the perfect age. Rock on!
Maybe it could be fanning the flames of your heart’s desire?
Always hold fast to dreams…even if they need to evolve over time. They are our lifeblood. That’s why I still run…thinking that one day I might be fast again. Probably won’t happen, but it makes me feel ALIVE to try 🙂
I am 41. If your dreams have passed you by, then mine have too, and I am not willing to give up yet.
That and I have never had a big life dream, so I have to make one to have flames of discontent fanned.
And here I thought you were going to say you saw Michael Bolton! 😉
Keep on dreaming. What’s the point of life without hopes and dreams?
Awwweeesssooommmeee ppppiiiccctttuuuurrreeee.
Dream on, Daddy! Maybe you need to see Aerosmith next time. And DLR is really rocking those leather pants!
You can’t give up on your dreams. You’re inspiring people like me to keep trying. No pressure…