I love me a nice bar … and this one here — Masa — is my favorite in all of Boston.
On Saturday, my wife took me on an overnight excursion in the city to celebrate my 40th birthday (which is next Sunday *shudder*). We stayed at the lovely Back Bay Hotel (a very cool old building that used to be the Boston police headquarters back in the day), and then planted ourselves at the beautiful, copper-top bar at Masa, where we again were treated to some delicious margaritas courtesy of our favorite bartender, Mr. Greg Neises, who also just so happens to be a talented photographer.
This part of the bar is very aesthetically pleasing, but it is the massive tequila selection (not shown, with the exception of the obscured bottle of Cabo Wabo Añejo in the bottom right corner) that really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside … literally.
You know what I love? I love getting serenaded with the “Happy Birthday” song at a restaurant, and instead of a cake, the thing they put in front of you with candles on it is a raft of Cabo Uno tequila shots.

Happy Birthday to me.
Now that is cool!!
That really does rock. I mean, I love cake and all. But Cabo Wabo Uno must be some special stuff. I really like Cabo Wabo tequila, but it ain’t cheap. I think the anejo 750 ml is like $40. So I figured I’d check the Cabo Wabo Uno price. HOLY FRIJOLE, that shit it over $225/bottle. That little raft of UNOs was WAY, WAY better than cake. I hope you have a great birthday>
.-= ToadMama´s last blog ..On Taking Better Pictures =-.
Happy Birthday!
Now instead of finding something around Nashville to do I might make my way Boston for shots for my 40th in Sept.
.-= Ferngoddess´s last blog ..COOKING =-.
Tequila would be completely wasted on me these days. I’d be wasted and asleep in no time.
.-= Just Me´s last blog ..It Really Makes No Sense =-.
Happy Birthday. Too bad you’re freaked by 40. I loved turning 40 (well except for the bifocals). I only have a couple of years till 50. Now that’s got me freaked. E
Happy Birthday, Fellow Capricorn. If it makes you feel any better, we are supposed to be old when we are young and young when we are old. If that doesn’t help, I will attempt to make you feel better by telling you that I just turned 49. Yikes.
And tequila candles! How cool is that? Excellent.
.-= The Expatresse´s last blog ..The High Cost of Healthcare =-.
Definitely much better than cake! You and my wife know how to do it up right! Hope you have a wonderful birthday.
…And YAY YOU for fixing the comments!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! who needs cake when there’s Cabo?