Back at the end of August, I loaded this sucker up with everything we owned.
Well, almost everything we owned.
After we finished emptying the house, my brother-in-law and I went to the storage unit I was renting and started loading up the remainder of my family’s belongings. And it almost fit. Almost. (As I recall, the word “motherfucker” was the most family-friendly thing that escaped my lips at the time.)
Last Friday, after spending a week visiting with my extended family in Massachusetts for the first time since becoming a Pennsylvania resident, I picked up the smallest rental truck I was able to get my hands on and emptied out the rest of the storage unit.
Turns out the smallest truck I could get my hands on was a 16-footer. After clearing out the storage unit, I still ended up with a smidgen of extra space.

Pretty sure I could have fit a couple more items on board.
Did I mention that I’m a neurotic control freak who greatly dislikes airline travel? Can’t stand the hassle. I’ll put up with it in order to go to faraway places … but Philly to Boston or vice versa? Fugghetaboutit. I’ll choose the drive every time.
My wife and the kids, however, don’t share that sentiment … which is why they were on board a plane somewhere up in that beautiful sky shown above, which I photographed with my iPhone as I happily pulled away from the toll both and onto Interstate 84.
About all that extra space on the truck? The upside was that there was plenty of room for our luggage … which cost almost a hundred bucks to check on our way up to Boston six days earlier.
I think from now on, my wife and the kids can fly, and I’ll drive roundtrip with bags.
I don’t mind flying, but if I have a choice, I’d rather drive. Or take Amtrak, but that’s getting expensive. No more Greyhounds though.
I like a car trip if I have the time because I can just throw anything in the back of the car (pillows, extra coats, etc). No checking luggage and dealing with security.
We drive to Pennsylvania from North Carolina now that my daughter has exceeded the age limit for the free ride in the air. With connections and layovers, it takes 9 hours whether you drive or fly.
Every year at Christmas and every year in July my fiance and I have this same battle. We make a trip from Texas to Northern Wisconsin. I prefer to fly, who wants to spend 20+ hours in a car, he on the other hand likes to drive. He too says regardless of driving or flying we still spend a whole day traveling. Maybe he and I will implement your idea…I’ll fly and he can drive…LOL.
Do you watch Dexter? Because after the beginning of this season, all I think about when I see UHaul trucks is murder.
Flying sucks. Driving is the way to go every time. Unless it’s overseas or something. But even then you could drive to a ship and put your car on it, eh? And then drive when you got to the other side.
That reminds me of the time some friends and I rented one of these things and filled the back with thrift store couches and had a pub crawl! You could’ve done that while moving, it appears.