I know what you’re thinking; you’re thinking, “Thank GOD he’s FINALLY writing about VAN HALEN again! It’s been WAY. TOO. LONG!”
Listen, I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to indulge me here, because I, for quite some time, was pretty convinced that this band, this band that I love so much, would never again give me anything other than its oh-so-distant past to be excited about. So imagine my surprise when the new album — an album I was all but sure would be a letdown — turned out to be 10 tons of HOLYSHITTHISISAMAZING!
And after listening to that HOLYSHITTHISISAMAZING! album nonstop for a month, I was as giddy as a teenager by the time I headed to the show here in Philly on Monday. And I was even giddier when Eddie Van Halen positively tore shit up like he hasn’t in years.
(I was less giddy when I woke up Tuesday morning. That last shot someone bought for me? Totally uncalled for.)
I’m sure downing it seemed like the logical thing to do at the time 😉
Your suffering just shows what a “true” fan you are!
Come on, you can admit it. You really bought the tickets so you could see Kool and the Gang.
Awesome to let the teenager in us out only thing that sucks is the older you get the longer you take to recover. On the rare occassion that the husband and I go out we take 3 entire days to recover.
What is the point of blogging if you can’t share your passion? Rock on, my cyber friend, rock on! (But skip the shots.)
The Totally Uncalled For Shot is a rock concert tradition.
Along with poor fashion choices and bro-hugging the dude next to you.
Be one with the Halen, my friend.
Feel the Halen.
van Who? Never heard of em.
I understand. You write about what’s going on in your life. For you, it’s a fondness for Van Halen. For me, it’s an epic head cold.
I think we can all agree that Van Halen is the preferred content of choice.
If only David Lee Roth didn’t look as if he’s been embalmed.
Glad the show rocked. Wish you’d been in Texas, though!
Awesome! You know, that last one is never really called for but can you really turn it down?
I’ve finally found someone who is just as insanely obsessed with VH as myself. By the time I got to China Town on my first listen through, I actually got a bit teary eyed and whispered to my wife, “They’re back. They’re really back.” The Phantom Menace had left me pretty jaded that anything from my childhood could be just as good or better than I remembered it. Then I’m listening to tracks like Blood and Fire, Stay Frosty, and Big River and having serious Fair Warning flashbacks. It’s not just a revival of Van Halen, but a continuation, and that hardly ever happens in the world of music. I’m so very proud of the guys, thankful for Wolfie, and psyched that my kids get to experience The Van Halen just like I did – with Diamond Dave being a smart ass, sleazy lounge-singer type, and Eddie doing things to his guitar that make me involuntarily shout, “What the FUCK was THAT?”
It’s a great time to be alive.