NOTE: The post below is the last one I published at my old blog, much of the content from which I’ve since republished here at

I launched this blog almost 12 years ago. The writing I’ve done here, and the feedback I’ve gotten from many of you, has made this the most fulfilling creative endeavor of my life thus far.
The years during which I was most active here were those when my children (now 14 and 12) were much younger. Writing about my parenting experiences back in those days was not only the thing that helped me find my voice as a writer, but also the thing that helped me remain sane during that (wonderfully) chaotic time.
A couple of years ago, I made the decision to remove from this site most of the stories about, and photos of, my children. Since then, I’ve done very little writing here. It wasn’t until last year’s presidential election, in fact, that I felt inspired to do much writing at all… and what came out of me was mostly political.
Originally, I dealt with this by launching a separate, politics-only blog and accompanying Twitter account. In the months since, I’ve built up a sizable Twitter following and written some things about which I’m rather proud, and I’ve reached the point where keeping separate blogs no longer makes sense to me.
From now on, I will be posting at my new blog,, tweeting at jon_zal, and Instagram-ing at my new Instagram account.
The content on the new blog right now is limited to original political writings from recent months, as well as a few of the rare political items I’ve posted here over the past decade. There’s a good chance I also will be posting some non-political pieces as well (probably to include republishing some of my favorite material from this blog).
Additionally, I continue to (slowly) dial in on where to focus my writing skills beyond blogging, and will be sure to keep readers of my new blog and Twitter account updated. So, you know … just one more reason why you should stay tuned.
Full disclosure: If you’re a Trump supporter or a Republican who thinks your team is doing a great job on the field right now, it’s probably best if we shake hands and call it a day. Much of what I do these days is rant about him, them and their entire, fucked-up, right-wing agenda. I’m sorry, but I just can’t help it. (Also, I’m not sorry.)
If, however, my sociopolitical leanings aren’t a deal-breaker for you, I hope you’ll follow me over to my new digs.
Either way, thank you for being part of my audience here over the past 12 years. I really appreciate it. It’s been a blast.
Last post!
Here, yes. Thanks for sticking around, my friend. 🙂
Jon I’m not sure I’ve ever commented before but I’ve absolutely loved reading your posts over the years and have already followed your daddy pol blog all those months ago. I started reading you when I was in SoCal and you were in Boston. Now we are practically neighbors in the Delaware Valley! Thanks for all the fun, insight, and snark. I will definitely be joining you in your new endeavor. Best of luck!!
Thank you so much, Lauren. I really appreciate it. Thanks for sharing those words with me. Happy to hear you’re sticking around for the next chapter. 🙂
Happy for you, Jon! I’ll come with you.
Your story about Baby Tink and Poop is still the funniest thing I’ve ever read!
Thank you, Julie! 🙂
Hello – I started reading your blog 12 years ago as company during lunch at my desk. 12 years on, your blog has been part of my RSS feeds and I’ll really miss this. Thank you for sharing so much of your life, all so well written. Good luck with the new phase and I’ll follow over, of course!