Every year, my co-workers and I mosey on down to Austin, Texas, for the annual South by Southwest music conference—or SXSW, as it is known to we the hip.
Nine Inch Wiggles
See the guy in the middle up there with the big guns and the buzz cut? That’s Trent Reznor, the mastermind behind the industrial-rock juggernaut known as Nine Inch Nails.
I am quite fond of Mr. Reznor and his music. (This is what we in the writing business refer to as “an understatement.”)
Happy New Year

Eleven months ago, I installed WordPress on my server. I posted a dozen or so entries using the default Kubrick theme (some of which I’ll probably migrate over to this new set-up). Then I decided to create my own theme. It only took me the better part of a full year to finally get it online.
I was determined to get the site up and running before the end of today. I made it—with about an hour to spare, even. Figured I’d start 2006 on the right foot.
This place is currently held together with spit, chewing gum and some of the ugliest CSS and XHTML you’ve ever seen (don’t even bother checking to see if it validates; it so doesn’t) … but I’m launching it anyway. I’ll clean up the behind-the-scenes stuff during the days and weeks ahead. Meanwhile, though, it’s high time I start writing. After all, that’s the main reason I built this damn place.
Interview: Gene Simmons of KISS
Photo by Jon Zal
Originally published on April 23, 2002 at SoundSpike.com
In addition to being the singer, bassist and marketer extraordinaire for rock juggernaut KISS, Gene Simmons is also a self-proclaimed egomaniac.
Live Review: Billy Joel and Elton John in Boston

Originally published on January 25, 2002 at Ticketmaster’s LiveDaily.com
Billy Joel and Elton John’s current Face to Face tour features a spectacular light show, video screens, and two talented backing bands … all of which were completely overshadowed Thursday night (1/24) by two chubby, balding, middle-aged guys who know how to play the hell out of a piano and whose voices are as powerful as ever.
Live Review: Björk at Radio City Music Hall

Originally published on October 8, 2001 at Ticketmaster’s LiveDaily.com
NEW YORK, N.Y. — Björk’s Friday night (10/5) performance at New York City’s famed Radio City Music Hall was an amalgam of extremes that, despite the distinct potential for disaster, were masterfully combined to produce a mesmerizing musical experience.
Interview: Seal

Originally published on September 25, 2001 at Ticketmaster’s LiveDaily.com
A decade ago, Seal broke through on the American music scene with the hit single “Crazy,” a song that helped propel the British singer’s self-titled debut to sales of over 1 million copies in the U.S. alone. Even greater success followed with his 1994 release, also titled “Seal,” which spawned the massive hit “Kiss from a Rose” and went on to ship over 4 million copies in the U.S.
Gary Cherone puts Van Halen behind him, forges ahead with Tribe of Judah

Originally published on July 18, 2001, at Ticketmaster’s LiveDaily.com
Almost two years after his short-lived gig as the third frontman for Van Halen ended, Gary Cherone has reemerged with his new quintet, Tribe of Judah. And while the pairing of Cherone and Van Halen was deemed a mismatch by many fans and critics alike, the singer’s new project seems to be a perfect fit for his theatrical stage persona and eclectic musical tastes.